Kmart Fab 15 Sweepstakes
Eligibility : Open only to legal residents of the Fifty (50) United States and the District of Columbia who are 18 or older at the time of entry
Promotion Period : Begins at 12:00:01 AM Central Standard Time (“CST”) on September 20, 2012 and ends at 11:59 PM CST on November 22, 2012.
Enter At :
Limit : Limit one (1) Entry per person per email address per day.
Prize (s) :
One (1) Daily Prize will be awarded based on the corresponding Entry Dates stated herein:
Furby: 9/20/2012; 10/4/2012; 10/18/2012; 10/31/2012; 11/13/2012; ARV: $59.99
Lego Monster Fighters: The Vampyre Hearse: 9/21/2012; 10/5/2012; 10/19/2012; 11/1/2012; 11/14/2012; ARV: $34.99
Barbie Holiday 2012 Brunette Doll (Kmart Exclusive): 9/22/2012; 10/6/2012; 10/20/2012; 11/2/2012; ARV: $39.99
Disney Princess Vanity: 9/23/2012; 10/7/2012; ARV: $99.99
Monster High Skultimate Roller Maze Gift set (Kmart Exclusive): 9/24/2012; 10/8/2012; 10/21/2012; 11/3/2012; ARV: $26.99
FURREAL FRIENDS BOUNCY, MY HAPPY TO SEE ME PUP: 9/25/2012; 10/9/2012; 10/22/2012; 11/4/2012; 11/15/2012; ARV: $36.99
Monsuno Strike Sector Combat Set: 9/26/2012; 10/10/2012; 10/23/2012; 11/5/2012; 11/16/2012; ARV: $24.99
Air Hogs Hover Assault: 9/27/2012; 10/11/2012; 10/24/2012; 11/6/2012; 11/17/2012; ARV: 49.99
Master Moves Mickey: 9/28/2012; 10/12/2012; 10/25/2012; 11/7/2012; 11/18/2012; ARV: $69.99
LeapFrog LeapPad2TM: 9/29/2012; 10/13/2012; 10/26/2012; 11/8/2012; 11/19/2012; ARV: $99.99
Imaginext Castle: 9/30/2012; 10/14/2012; 10/27/2012; 11/9/2012; ARV: 59.99
Twister Dance: 10/1/2012; 10/15/2012; 10/28/2012; 11/10/2012; 11/20/2012; ARV: $32.99
WWE Brawlin Buddies: 10/2/2012; 10/16/2012; 10/29/2012; 11/11/2012; 11/21/2012; ARV: $29.99
Johnny The Skull: 10/3/2012; 10/17/2012; 10/30/2012; 11/12/2012; 11/22/2012; ARV: $34.99
Winner List : To obtain a list of Winners, available after December 5, 2011, or a copy of the Official Rules, send a self-addressed, stamped #10 envelope to be received by February 28, 2012 to: Kmart Fab 15 Sweepstakes c/o Centra360, 1400 Old Country Road, Suite 420, Westbury, NY 11590. Please specify “Official Rules” or “Winners List” on the outer mailing envelope. SPONSOR: Sears Holdings Management Corporation 3333 Beverly Road Hoffman Estates, Illinois 60179. © 2011 Sears Holdings Management Corporation. Printed in U.S.A. All rights reserved.
Tags: Kmart Fab 15 Sweepstakes,
Comments (9 Messages)Shirley
kathy weber
would be great to win any of these great prizes
monster high
Robin Sears
Go Kmart!!!!!!
lisa carstens
mom on tight budget
Absolutely a great idea. Love,love,love shopping at Kmart, especially during the holidays!! Hope to win something:)
I shop at Kmart a lot , especially from the pharmacy
i would love to qwin toys for my child for christmas i would be so happy
merry partridge
love kmart toys

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