Mom Weekdays Sweepstakes 2023

Mom Weekdays Moms Run the World Sweepstakes 2023 begins on April 24, 2023 at with the MOM Weekdays sweepstakes word of the day and it’s your chance to win $5,000 cash and a Savings Pass code.
How Does The Mom Weekdays Sweepstakes Work?
The Mom Weekdays Sweepstakes begins on April 24, 2023 and ends on May 13, 2023. To enter, watch MOM weekdays and look for the code word of the day. Then, visit and follow the instructions to enter. Limit one entry into the Sweepstakes per person, regardless of the number of email addresses they may have, per Broadcast Day through this Online Entry method. Up to a maximum of 15 total entries during the Sweepstakes Period using this method.
This Mom Sweepstakes 2023 is open only to individuals who meet the following criteria at the time and date of entry and through award of the prizes: (a) are 18 years of age (or age of majority in their jurisdiction of residence, if over 18) or older, who (only applicable if using text method of entry) have a registered wireless account with Short Message Services capability and/or wireless internet service, and (b) are a citizen or legal resident of and physically residing in one (1) of the 50 United States or the District of Columbia.
What Are The Prizes?
- One (1) National Grand Prizewinner will receive the following:
- A Five Thousand Dollar ($5,000) American Express gift card (terms and conditions of the American Express gift card will apply)
- A Fifty Dollar® Savings Pass ($50.00)
Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of the National Grand Prize: Five Thousand Fifty Dollars (US $5,050.00).
- Fifteen (15) National Daily Prizewinners (each a “Daily Prize Winner”) will each receive:
- A Five Hundred Dollar ($500) gift card or cash or cash equivalent (as determined by Sponsor in Sponsor’s sole discretion) (terms and conditions of gift card will apply if gift card is selected)
- A Fifty Dollar® Savings Pass code ($50.00)
AVR of each National Daily Prize: Five Hundred Fifty Dollars (US $550.00). Total ARV of all National Daily Prizes: Eight Thousand Two Hundred Fifty Dollars (US $8,250.00).
- Three Hundred (300) National Runner-Up Prizewinners (each a “Runner-Up Prize Winner”) will each receive:
- A Fifty Dollar® Savings Pass code ($50.00)
AVR of each National Runner-Up Prize: Fifty Dollars (US$50.00). Total ARV of all National Runner-Up Prizes: Fifteen Thousand Dollars (US $15,000.00).
TOTAL ARV OF ALL PRIZES: Twenty-Eight Thousand Three Hundred Dollars (US $28,300).
Who Are The Winners?
To receive the Prizewinners’ list, send a stamped self-addressed envelope to: “Sweepstakes Winners’ List”, Warner Bros. Domestic Television Distribution, 4000 Warner Blvd., Burbank, CA 91522 (Attn: Content Marketing) within sixty (60) days of expiration of the Sweepstakes Period. Please indicate which Sweepstakes winners’ list you are requesting by referencing the name of the Sweepstakes in your request.
Tags: Mom Weekdays Sweepstakes 2023,
Comments (8 Messages)Rose A Hernandez
Rose Ann Hernandez
Mom are nice
Jennifer Contreras
Christin Beverly
Love this show
Tee Saxon
love mom!!!
diasy is the word Lovet watch mom anna

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Love this show will love to win