Microsoft Age of Empires Sweepstakes 2021

Microsoft Age of Empires Sweepstakes 2021 at is your chance to win a one of a kind Alienware Aurora R11 desktop setup.
Eligibility : This Microsoft Sweepstakes 2021 is open to legal residents of Canada (excluding Quebec) who are the age of majority in their province or territory of residence at the time of entry, and legal residents of Germany, the United Kingdom and United States who are 18 years of age or older and are Age of Empires Insider members at the time of entry.
Sweepstakes Period : The Age of Empires Sweepstakes begins on April 10, 2021 and ends on April 24, 2021.
Enter At :
Limit : Limit one (1) entry per person/authorized email account holder.
Prizes :
One (1) Grand Prize: One (1) custom-skinned “Age of Empires” Alienware Aurora R11 Desktop PC; one (1) Alienware wired/wireless optical gaming mouse; one (1) Alienware RGB mechanical gaming keyboard, one (1) Alienware 7.1 Gaming headset; and one (1) Alienware 25 Gaming monitor. The Approximate Retail Value of the Grand Prize is $2,000 USD.
Tags:, Microsoft Sweepstakes 2021

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